Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nice and clean, newly bathed

After our trip in the woods yesterday, and all the ticks we
brought home - it was time with a tick bath today.
They all got their bath - and are now nice and clean,
smells lovely - and next is to get the tick collars on.

Satchmo sound asleep

Betty Boop and Sofits

Betty Boop


Tertitten, trying to hide - to avoid a bath

Softis - just looking so nice with his clean and fluffy coat




New photo of:

Le Sphinx Kiss a Flower "Pinja"
Owner: Tanja Jälko, Finnland

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Trip in the woods, and we got lots of lots of ticks... iiik

Since every one else is blogging, so I will try this out too. I will blog about my lovely dogs, with lots of photos of them and everything else happening here. So here follows some photos from our walk in the woods yesterday. The dogs got LOTS of ticks, so spring is for sure here.

Betty Boop
and the ticks... iiik
Luna takes a healthy mud bath