Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The "Swiss" Le Sphinx gang

I have stolen some photos from Reginas site, the most recent photos of the "Swiss" Le Sphinx gang, too see more of her dogs visit her site: http://www.fromsandsound.ch/

Chili (sitting) and Lennox (laying in front)

Ch Le Sphinx Hot Chili

Jr. Ch Le Sphinx Killing Me Sofly

Le Sphinx Jack in the Box

Le Sphinx Iceman

Softis has moved...

Sigbjørn with Sean and Softis, before leaving for his new home in Stavanger with his halfbrother Sean. Softis is now also renamed - Hero... Thats suits him fine, since his reg. name is:Le Sphinx Killing Heroes.

Sigbjørn with Sean and Sotis (Hero)


Sigbjørn with Softis

Shame on me...

We have not been clever with our blogging lately,
but here are some photos of the dogs out
in the dogrun... just relaxing.

Betty Boop enjoying her bone

Luna sound asleep

and so is Softis



and Tertitten is always enjoying the sun

