Sunday, August 23, 2009

Off for a weekend visit

This weekend we was off for a visit to Nina, Tommy
and their dogs. The dogs did really have a great time,
and so had I - we are back home - and the dogs are
laying around - tired and happy...

Betty Boop and Anastasia, 2 beautiful girls

Luna in a very nice pose

Betty Boop chasing the ball...

Pippi, and I think it's Satchmo we see a bit of


Betty Boop and Luna... in full run

Anastasia sitting and looking nice :-)

and once again, Betty Boop and Luna... in full run

Betty Boop got it

Gentil, he is a son of my dear Tzigan

Shamir, the Afghan

The "gang"

Betty Boop and Anastasia playing

Tertitten have a roll in the grass...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Le Sphinx Martha's Vineyeard

Le Sphinx Martha's Vineyard
this is Tertittens lovely daughter

Friday, August 14, 2009 is back

Our site have been down for quite some time,
but are now back - in a new design.

Welcome to vitsit

or just click on the photo above.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ch Le Sphiinx Beacon Hill

SBIS N Ch Le Sphinx Beacon Hill
this is a Tertitten son, loved/owned by
Stine Sleveland

Monday, August 10, 2009

Le Spinx Killing Me Softly

Some nice show news from Regina in Switzerland,
last weekend she was at the sighthound festival in
Donaueshingen (01. Aug.-09) and Lennox was BOS.

Congratulations to you both :-)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Le Sphinx Killing My Dream - aka "MAKS"

We have some new photos of Maks, or more rigthfully I have
"stolen" with permission from Sissel from her blog.
He have grown into a very handsome young boy.
For more of Maks visit Sissel's blog:

Le Sphinx Killing My Dream

Le Sphinx Killing My Dream
"Maks" 23 months old
Owner: Sissel Johansen

Headphoto of Maks


Sissel and Maks have been "mountain" climbing this summer,
and here follows some of the scenery when they arrive on the top.

Sissel and Maks

Maks on the top

Maks on the top

Maks fence jumping....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

From our trip today

Today we finished real early from work,
the day was nice and sunny (it's been raining a LOT lately)
So I did take the dogs and the camera with me and we had a looong walk in "our" wood.



Betty Boop

Pippi in the grass


The flower and the bie


Luna, Satchmo and Pippi

Red berries

Betty Boop

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Trip in the wood

This is from our walk in the wooks 31.07.09,
and I wonder where the summer did go?
Times just flies by to fast.

Pippi lurking in the bushes

Betty Boop


Some flowers

Betty Boop

Luna sniffing

Blueberries, yum, yum....


Satchmo have a rest
